Wednesday, May 23, 2012

industrial revolution essay

Omar El Gendy

May, 22, 2012

Causes of the Industrial revolution

     The Industrial revolution was a revolution that had pushed the world forward. It took place in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.  It almost changed everything and even the government. They gained many advantages from this revolution. Before the industrial revolution there were no rights for the poor, there were many rural areas, and small population. They used old machines and it slowed the harvest. The industrial revolution changed many things including economy, social life, politics, and technology.

     The Economics had a big and a large effect on the industrial revolution. Therefore the products had improved. Afterwards people started buying more materials that the company produces. Factories started to appear more and that led to provide more jobs for people. This makes the economy grow more and gain money to provide the country with. This had made the economy start taking more steps. They started with providing banking; therefore they had come up with the bank of England. This helped the country and the people.      

                   The economics had led to improve the social life. Farming became much easier they invented bigger and more advanced machines. New crops grew and more animals were gazed. Also by using the advanced machines less time was spent between fields, and people started to move to cities and country sides which is called urbanization.. They used something called selective breading which is simply take the beast cows to bread.  Although there were some disadvantages because poor farmers were forced to sell lands. Urbanization caused education to increase because population grew .After the industrial revolution there were more rural areas which mean more factories. They invented a steam power engine boat which is more advanced. Technology started to grow after urbanization and many factories started to appear. There were some dangerous work bur the workers received their wage.

      The social life led to improvements in the political side. They started trading with other countries which led to relationships with others. The relationships had some advantages and some disadvantages. Some countries started to be jealous and greedy while other countries were aliased. This led to many wars; therefore they created a strong army. The lands started growing which helped in the social life.

     People started realizing that the lands became bigger in size and population. They had to improve the transportation and many other technologies. They created the steam engine boats and trains. These improvements pushed the economy and much other stuff. The power steam engine got improved year by year and that’s why I am typing this essay instead of using a printing press machine.

    Natural resources were very important because without out we can't use many of our technologies today. For an example without coal we couldn’t have been able to make steam power engine therefore trains wouldn’t have been the main transportation for people and many factories wouldn’t work at all. Also the expansion of coal industry defended trade.

     Overall I think the industrial revolution had a great influence on them. They advanced everything and brought back their rights. The industrial revolution wasn’t like any other. The industrial revolution was needed because they were starting to increase in population without any technology which was one of the most important goals of this revolution. After the revolution the country gained many advantages though we can't say there weren't disadvantages but the industrial revolution worked and it influenced the whole world. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How was France affected by the 1848 Revolutions?

Hunger and unfairness started the 1848 revolution. People were not treated equally at all. The kings and the nobles thought they were gods and the poor are just slaves working for them. The poor were to pay a lot of the taxes which they can’t afford and if they didn’t pay the taxes there will be severe punishment. Unemployment grew which cause to weaken the economy of the country. Banks started to collapse and they were not able to work. Also it affected agriculture production which led to rising food prices and cause economic problems and eventually people won’t be able to eat and the country will suffer with starvation. The 1830 revolution caused Charles X to lose his power from France and Louis Philippe took the throne. Louis called himself “People’s king” and he wanted his people to think that he is trying his best to make them happy. He tried ruling as a constitutional monarch and he made many political parties. He tried his best that no party would go against him. After a while the Royalists and the Republicans started to dislike him as well as all other sections of society which cause him to lose his throne.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Was Louis XIV an absolute monarch?

Omar El Gendy 
February, 13, 2012
Was Louis XIV an absolute monarch?  
    Absolute monarch is a ruler or a king who rules alone. Louis was the king of France’s sun king and also an absolute monarchy. Louis was an absolute monarch because he started ruling from the age of four years. Louis wanted to be a monarch and control everything in France. Louis didn’t allow anything to happen only under his permission and he knew about everything that was happening in the country. For example Louis didn’t want any passports to be signed without his permission which shows that he had complete control of the country.
      Louis took his father throne at a very young age and he managed to control which means he was born to be an absolute monarchy. The amount of time he ruled explains his glory. Louis brought absolute monarchy to its height and he developed many things. One of his great developments was his palace. 40000 workers were working on his project. He wanted to build a palace that the whole world will be talking about. Louis brought trees from far lands for his palaces because they didn’t grow were he wanted his building. All the nobles lived in his palace because he didn’t want anything to happen that he didn’t knew of it, also he didn’t want to be betrayed.   This is a huge example that explains that Louis was smart and wise.  

    Louis also wanted to show off his wealth and glory. He wanted to be center of attention so he took dance lessons. Louis showed his power by drawings and painting which represented his wealth. Louis thought of himself as a god and directed by god. He says that he is greater than nature. He chooses to be the sun god because the sun was known as the symbol of domination. The sun is the center of everything so he contrasts himself as a sun.
        Louis the “god given” was a neglected child which means he was carried by servants. Louis wasn’t a real king until Cardinal Mazarin’s death. Louis wanted to be a real king and the sole ruler of France at the age of twenty three. Louis ordered to be dressed by the nobles because it shows that he is very important and no one or nothing is big for him. Louis married a lot of women for politics. At that time they didn’t marry for love but they married for peace and politics. Louis married Madame de Maintenon secretly. She shared grief with him because he lost many battles.  
       “The reign of Louis was highly successful in both internal and foreign affairs”.  Louis cared about commerce and industry which improved France finance. Louis glorified the monarchy through art. Louis developed sculpture, painting, music and architecture. Louis developed the war of devolution against the Spanish Netherlands. After winning the war against Spain he celebrated with a great party showing off his women. In his celebrations he had hundreds of dancers, acts and many other shows.  The war brought him some valuable things. There was also Anglo-Dutch war. The purpose for that war was revenge and Louis wanted to break Dutch trade. He conquered many lands at the height of his power.  
       Everything comes to an end Louis was forced to keep Spain and France separated despite the dynastic connection. Louis died on September, 1, 1715. Over all I think Louis was a great absolute monarchy. He held France to its height. He brought glory, wealth to France. Also he improved art, music, sculpture, and architecture in France. He was a great influence for France. Louis is really the definition of absolute monarchy.    

Saturday, December 10, 2011

final essay

Omar El Gendy
World History I
Influence of Trading On the Ottoman Empire
            The Ottoman Empire was once one of the most powerful empires on earth. The Ottoman Empire consisted of many territories in Asia, Africa and even Europe. Trading was essential to the Ottomans. Every country has a limited amount of resources and minerals, some countries lack resources other countries or empires may have. The Ottomans traded goods with France and later on England. Istanbul was the perfect location to ship goods from east to west and vice versa.
            The Ottomans traded with empires all over the world. They received fur, grain and amber from Southern Russia, mirrors and drugs from Europe. In return the Ottomans shipped tea, silk, spices and porcelain. The ottomans were really organized and they traded legally. For every shipment there was a tax imposed. This tax did not exceed 10% of the shipment value. All trading was supervised by the government and anyone who tries to evade paying the taxes would be punished.
            The Ottomans imported a lot of goods however they rarely exported items needed for military such as wood, minerals and food. Wood was really vital for the Ottomans because they built a lot of ships. The Ottoman Empire controlled the spice route; they also controlled many seas including the Mediterranean Sea. There were pirates who endangered the shipment of goods in the Ottoman Empire so there were soldiers on board to protect the ship from any attack.
            The ruler of the Ottoman Empire Mehmed encouraged trading, he brought merchants to Istanbul. Mehmed also welcomed the Jews who were getting persecuted everywhere in Europe. The Jews who settled in the Ottoman Empire were able to gain wealth by trading goods and starting their own business. The Ottoman Empire was strongly influenced by trading, any lacking resources or minerals were obtained by trading.
        The Ottoman Empire controlled multiple of trade routes, however, by the seventeenth century; the Europeans controlled most of the routes. Other obstacles that diminished the ottomans control on trade routes were a fight with Iran and European dominance in the area. The ottomans traded frequently to improve their empire. Any missing elements or minerals were acquired through trading.
      Istanbul was one of the largest trade centers ever. Ships travelled from Istanbul to Europe on daily basis. Istanbul location was perfect for trading. It was exactly between Europe and Asia. The Ottoman Empire was a prestigious empire. Trading was necessary for the Ottomans and they mastered trading with European countries. The Ottoman empire grew stronger and powerful by trading.  
  The Ottomans expanded their empire through trading. Trading was essential for all countries. The Ottoman Empire controlled trade routes; this made it easy for them to send goods back and forth. Most people in the Ottoman Empire, especially the middle class, earned money through trading. Trading opened new job opportunities such as being a merchant and it also strengthened the economy. Trading is one of the main reasons the Ottoman Empire expanded and became such a powerful empire.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


  1. " Ottoman traders guild". Accessed November, 26, 2011. 
  2. " The ottoman empire". Accessed November,26,2011. 
  3. "The rise of the turks and the ottoman empire". Accesed November,26,2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Essay Introduction

Omar El Gendy
World History I
Influence of Trading On the Ottoman Empire
            The Ottoman Empire was once one of the most powerful empires on earth. The Ottoman Empire consisted of many territories in Asia, Africa and even Europe. Trading was essential to the Ottomans. Every country has a limited amount of resources and minerals, some countries lack resources other countries or empires may have. The Ottomans traded goods with France and later on England. Istanbul was the perfect location to ship goods from east to west and vice versa.
            The Ottomans traded with empires all over the world. They received fur, grain and amber from Southern Russia, mirrors and drugs from Europe. In return the Ottomans shipped tea, silk, spices and porcelain. The ottomans were really organized and they traded legally. For every shipment there was a tax imposed. This tax did not exceed 10% of the shipment value. All trading was supervised by the government and anyone who tries to evade paying the taxes would be punished.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

outline Omar El Gendy

Qouestion: how and why did trade effected econemyt in the ottoman empire?
paraghraph1: introduction about the Ottoman wealth, power, culture. information about the Ottoman empire. Nomad people who moved around for food, agriculture, land.
paraghrapgh2: During renaissance trading was from city to city or by merchant chip. ways of trading. kinds of trading objects, traditions, culture.
paraghrph3: The Ottoman economic mind was closely related to the basic concepts of state and society in the Middle East in which the ultimate goal of a state was consolidation and extension of the ruler's power, and the way to reach it was to get rich resources of revenues by making the productive classes prosperous
paraghraph4: location of the Ottoman and trade. The economic structure of the Empire was defined by its geopolitical structure. The Ottoman Empire stood between the West and the East, thus blocking the land route eastward and forcing Spanish and Portuguese navigators to set sail in search of a new route to the Orient. The Empire controlled the spice route that Marco polo once used. 
paraghraph5: Modern Ottoman studies think that the change in relations between the Ottomans and central Europe was caused by the opening of the new sea routes. It is possible to see the decline in the significance of the land routes to the East as Western Europe opened the ocean routes that bypassed the Middle East and Mediterranean as parallel to the decline of the Ottoman Empire itself.
paraghraph6: the latest technology of the ottoman empire. what is the main reason for trading those objects.
paraghraph7: conclussion: my opinion at the ottoman empire. How did it end and why?