Omar El Gendy
World History I
Influence of Trading On the Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire was once one of the most powerful empires on earth. The Ottoman Empire consisted of many territories in Asia, Africa and even Europe. Trading was essential to the Ottomans. Every country has a limited amount of resources and minerals, some countries lack resources other countries or empires may have. The Ottomans traded goods with France and later on England. Istanbul was the perfect location to ship goods from east to west and vice versa.
The Ottomans traded with empires all over the world. They received fur, grain and amber from Southern Russia, mirrors and drugs from Europe. In return the Ottomans shipped tea, silk, spices and porcelain. The ottomans were really organized and they traded legally. For every shipment there was a tax imposed. This tax did not exceed 10% of the shipment value. All trading was supervised by the government and anyone who tries to evade paying the taxes would be punished.
The Ottomans imported a lot of goods however they rarely exported items needed for military such as wood, minerals and food. Wood was really vital for the Ottomans because they built a lot of ships. The Ottoman Empire controlled the spice route; they also controlled many seas including the Mediterranean Sea. There were pirates who endangered the shipment of goods in the Ottoman Empire so there were soldiers on board to protect the ship from any attack.
The ruler of the Ottoman Empire Mehmed encouraged trading, he brought merchants to Istanbul. Mehmed also welcomed the Jews who were getting persecuted everywhere in Europe. The Jews who settled in the Ottoman Empire were able to gain wealth by trading goods and starting their own business. The Ottoman Empire was strongly influenced by trading, any lacking resources or minerals were obtained by trading.
The Ottoman Empire controlled multiple of trade routes, however, by the seventeenth century; the Europeans controlled most of the routes. Other obstacles that diminished the ottomans control on trade routes were a fight with Iran and European dominance in the area. The ottomans traded frequently to improve their empire. Any missing elements or minerals were acquired through trading.
Istanbul was one of the largest trade centers ever. Ships travelled from Istanbul to Europe on daily basis. Istanbul location was perfect for trading. It was exactly between Europe and Asia. The Ottoman Empire was a prestigious empire. Trading was necessary for the Ottomans and they mastered trading with European countries. The Ottoman empire grew stronger and powerful by trading.
The Ottomans expanded their empire through trading. Trading was essential for all countries. The Ottoman Empire controlled trade routes; this made it easy for them to send goods back and forth. Most people in the Ottoman Empire, especially the middle class, earned money through trading. Trading opened new job opportunities such as being a merchant and it also strengthened the economy. Trading is one of the main reasons the Ottoman Empire expanded and became such a powerful empire.